(a big box)
are all the messages
all the messages I ever sent you
the messages I sent you
the messages you sent back
the conversations we had
There's a hard drive
in the box
(the hard drive
I took out of the computer
when I sold it
so no-one else would ever see it)
The box sits in the corner
The box has all the messages
(to and from)
and the hard drive
In another box is a cd
(the cd is full of messages, too)
There is a box and a hard drive
a box and a hard drive and a cd
and my head
(full of memories)
There are papers in the box.
The papers have messages on them.
I have kept the papers
(and the hard drive and the cd you sent)
On the houseboat
(the houseboat where you were
so very married)
the cd and the papers and the drawings I sent
(through the post, their glasses smashed)
were surplus to requirements. Your wife,
after all,
might have found them.
For all I knew, she knew
all along. She might have laughed
(ha ha)
Oh God another one, she might have said.
Another knicker-thrower.
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